In-depth Poker GTO Study Guide! A specific way to learn, even for beginners.

To master poker, it is essential to learn and understand the Game Theory Optimal (GTO) strategy. The theories and strategies that were once employed by the so-called strongest players have been superseded by GTO strategies, making it imperative for anyone aiming for the top ranks in poker to learn and apply GTO strategies.
This article provides a detailed explanation of specific methods for learning GTO. By first understanding what GTO is, its purpose, and methods of learning, and then choosing the optimal tools, your poker skills can significantly improve.
Table of Contents
What is GTO?

GTO refers to the Game Theory Optimal strategy in poker. It’s about making the most effective plays against opponents to maximize long-term profits. It requires extensive calculations, but with recent advancements in computers, practical approximate solutions have become attainable.
GTO is designed to allow for optimal play regardless of the opponent’s playing style.
What Does Learning GTO Entail?

What does it mean to ’Learn GTO Strategy‘?
Hand analysis involves specifying conditions and situations in detail, and it’s almost impossible to encounter the exact same scenarios in practice. Therefore, rote memorization is not feasible, and one must have an abstract theory of their own, from which flexible decision-making in each situation is derived.
’Learning GTO Strategy’ means interpreting why GTO analysis results are what they are and building your own theory based on that.
If this theory is perfectly constructed, it means you could fully replicate the GTO analysis results. However, the important point here is not the ability to replicate, but having the theory that enables you to do so.
The Purpose of Learning GTO

The main purposes of learning GTO are as follows:
Building the Baseline of Poker
It becomes the foundation of your poker strategy, enabling you to choose the ‘optimal’ action without being swayed by the opponent’s playing style.
Preventing Exploitation
Theoretically, opponents cannot exploit a GTO strategy.
Ability to Exploit
Understanding GTO strategy makes it easier to find and exploit the weaknesses of your opponents.
Improving Learning Efficiency
Understanding GTO strategy allows you to analyze based on theory, enabling efficient poker learning without being swayed by results.
Methods of Learning GTO

Learning GTO requires both an understanding of game theory and repetitive practice in actual gameplay. Studying the theory helps you understand the basic tactics, and repetitive practice enhances your practical skills.

Studying the Game Theory of GTO

If you want to learn the game-theoretical background of GTO, here are three study methods commonly used:
「The Mathematics of Poker」

「Applications of No-Limit Hold’em」

Specialized books are recommended for this purpose. They offer high-quality information suitable for readers of all levels, from beginners to advanced players.

Introducing articles that compile theories related to GTO.
Game theory is the foundation of GTO. Although its contents are complex, understanding it can significantly enhance learning effectiveness.

Seminars and workshops where you can receive direct instruction from professional players are also effective. They offer face-to-face learning and Q&A opportunities, providing practical knowledge.
These study methods can be chosen according to your learning style and objectives. Books are great for self-study and offer good value for money, whereas online courses and seminars have the advantage of providing practical knowledge.
Repetitive Practice of GTO

To master GTO strategy, it is necessary to deepen your understanding of GTO theory while analyzing numerous actual hands. The following are three user-friendly GTO tools for repetitive practice of hand analysis.

Unlike the previous two tools, this smartphone app has a user-friendly UI for beginners to easily analyze GTO. It’s ideal for beginners and intermediates who have not yet been exposed to GTO, allowing them to learn it in an understandable way. Another benefit is its affordability for learning GTO.

A high-performance GTO solver supported by professional poker players, it allows users to set their own bet sizes for calculations and enables detailed hand analysis. It is somewhat complex for beginners and recommended for advanced players.
GTO Wizard

With its extensive solutions and detailed analysis results, GTO Wizard can deepen the understanding of GTO for intermediate to advanced players.
These tools vary in price and features, so choose the one that best suits your level and budget.

The key to learning poker GTO is repetitive study of game theory and hand analysis to build your own theory.
For studying game theory, utilize methods such as books, online websites, and coaching.
Moreover, for hand analysis, tools like PioSOLVER, GTO Wizard, and NTPoker are beneficial. Mastering these tools can help you learn GTO strategies more effectively.